
Bódi Sylvi tangában mutatja meg, milyen gyönyörű helyen tartózkodik


Létrehozva: 2017.11.23.

Ahogy mostanában szinte mindig, most is éppen a trópusokon szörfözik Bódi Sylvi, akinek „az egyik legkedvencebb testrésze” magán a szemöldöke. Legfontosabb Instagram-posztjában több képen is arról számol be, ahogy éppen Indonéziában sportol, nyaral. Természetesen pár szexi, tangás kép is látható közöttük, íme:

Sitting here in cold and rainy Hungary - it was even snowing a little bit the other day - makes me day dream about this magical place I visited not that long ago. I didn't tell you about it, but now I will because a dream came true. As a surfer we have this immaginary list of waves that we wanna surf one day. I am doing pretty well in checking off these spots... 😉 There is this place a few of my friends recommend, one of the funnest waves to surf on the planet. So I decided one day I wanna go to @macaronis_resort and surf this perfect left hander. Life has been so nice to me, I didn't have to wait to long. ☺️🙏🏼 I have never been to the southern part of the Mentawais, so I was really excited to see it. I chose a unique way to get there (usually the resort takes their guests on the overnight ferry to Sikakap and from there they hop on the speedboat to the resort). I wanted to explore the whole area, so I took a different ferry and got an ojek (that's what they call the local motorbike taxi) and went for an adventure through the jungle. I had a friend with me and we had heaps of luggage, so we needed quite a few ojeks to take all our gear. I thought I already was used to how good the Indonesians carry everything on their bikes, but these guys blew my mind!! They just put 2 big boardbags on a bike and the guy had my small luggage between his legs! 😱 They recommended to have a spare motorbike with us just in case. My friend said we didn't need it. We had no idea what kind of mission was ahead of us, how bad the roads were... We had to cross through the jungle and it took 1.5 hours. We were on the road when - of course - the bike which my friend was sitting on got a flat tire... 😂👏🏼 We were on the side of the road and waiting for the locals to find some solution when it started to rain hard... 🌧 Anyway, we managed to make it to the resort in 2 hours and I have to say after all it was a really cool experience! Another adventure, just the way I like it. 💪🏼😂 This island is very remote, so it was pure joy to see the lush vegetation and hear the singing birds. In the end ... The story continues bellow as comment. 👇🏼 Photos: @juliuswauwau @surf_lounge @cliff_swimwear

Sylvi Bódi (@sylvibodi) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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