Test és lélek

Ön szerint sem érdemli meg a kigyúrt férjét ez a duci ara? – fotók

Kiss Boglárka

Létrehozva: 2018.03.19.

Szerintünk ők így jók, ahogy vannak. A kommentelők viszont az eltérő alkatuk miatt bántják a házaspárt, pedig az izmos férj imádja túlsúlyos felesége minden porcikáját.

Ön szerint sem érdemli meg a kigyúrt férjét ez a duci ara? – fotók

„Igen, összeér a combom, és a fenekem is narancsbőrös, de így szeret engem” – fakadt ki az amerikai nő, akinek a közösségi oldalait rosszakaró idegenek bántó hozzászólásai lepték el. Pedig a 29 éves Jenna Kutcher nem tett semmi rosszat, csupán élvezi az életét, szeret szórakozni, enni, és a férjével mutatkozni.

Utóbbi az, ami kiverte sokaknál a biztosítékot, mert hogy a teltkarcsú nő szerelme, Drew Kutcher egy kigyúrt sármőr, aki az amatőr fotókon is úgy néz ki, mintha egy sportmagazin címlapjáról lépett volna le, írja a Daily Mail. 

I want to look back on the season and see that we kept showing up: in life, in our marriage, in sharing our struggle, in keeping it real, in celebrating the joy. I want to remember this trip that started as running away from our problems but ended with coffee in bed, mezcal margaritas and nights spent spooning. I want to remember this hilarious thing I said to Drew to see his smile lines inch across his face. I am confident we will look back on this season and remember all of the in between moments that it holds, the ups and downs, the highs and lows but above all, we just keep showing up. Double tap if you agree that @kickingitwithkutch is a handsome, handsome man. 🙌🏻 #goals #imarriedup #rememberingbabykutch

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Someone once slid into my DMs and told me they couldn’t believe I had managed to land a guy as good looking as @kickingitwithkutch. I’ll be honest that I was taken aback. ✨ Part of my insecurity with my body has stemmed around being married to Mr. 6-Pack himself. Why should I, a curvy girl get him? I feel unworthy and when I write narratives in my head that because I am not thin, I don’t deserve him. 🙋🏼 This man has embraced every curve, every dimple, pound and pimple for the last ten years and has always me reminded me that I’m beautiful even when my inner dialogue doesn’t match (and when I haven’t showered in days.) 🙌🏻 So yes, my thighs kiss, my arms are big, and my bum is bumpy but there is just more of me for him to love and I chose the man that could handle alllll that (and so much more!) ✨ I am so much more than my body, so is he, and so are you. Double tap if true love doesn’t see size. Photo by: @mrslindseyroman

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Bár Jenna saját magát duciként, férjét pedig Mr. Kockahas – utalva a férfi kidolgozott hasizmára – jellemzi, mégis szörnyen bántják a megjegyzések, amiket kap.

It's almost a sin that I've never done a #mcm, right? (That's "man crush Monday" for all of you wondering!) Three cheers for the hottest husband, @kickingitwithkutch! I remember the day Drew asked my dad for permission to marry me, my dad made him promise that he'd always put up with me (highly valid) and that he would take care of me. Over the last few weeks I've been fragile, hormonal, sad, exhausted, angry, compassionate, humbled, afraid - you name it, it's been me, and here he sits with me in the mess of it all, loving me, supporting me, and being my partner. It's easy to "fill-in-the-blanks" of the stories and photos we see online, to imagine the perfection that we convince ourselves exists in everyone else's lives... But let me tell ya, we're all just walking each other home and I've been walking with the best man, the best fam, and the best tribe ever down an imperfect and windy road and I still wouldn't change it for the world. Double tap if you think supportive partners are THE best, because we all need a little help from our friends. 🙌🏻🙏🏼💑 #kutchersinkihei

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He said, “Today I learned that starting a family isn’t going to be an easy journey for us.” I laid there in silence and closed my eyes. 🌊 Yesterday I cried at the pool. Tears snuck beneath my sunglasses as I realized that sometimes this journey straight up sucks. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I had this grand plan that once again, Hawaii would be our redemption song and as the reality of that dream slipped through my finger tips, I realized that I had tricked myself into believing that I could write a better story than my creator. ✨ It’s like I took a to-do list, crossed each item off and then handed the final to-do over to God and told him how I wanted this whole thing to go. I was ready to turn the page and write our next chapter! ✋🏻 I was reminded to surrender, to be able to ask for prayers, and to keep the hope that our time is coming soon. I’m believing in our miracle and this feed is my legacy. 🌊 Someday I hope our kids can read these posts and see this chapter in our story, this season of waiting was filled with faith, and that they had been prayed for and hoped for by thousands of strangers on the internet. ✨ We will keep waiting. Will you keep praying? Photo by: @mrslindseyroman

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I solemnly swear I DO wear clothes sometimes. (Sorry, dad!) Fully clothed photos coming soon to your newsfeed, pinky promise. 🤙🏻 After hiding for years, I feel like a new woman and it isn’t lost on me that my body never really changed, it was my thoughts towards it that did. I just got really tired of always hating, always hiding. 🧠 If hating ourselves got us anywhere, we would have already arrived, right? So let’s change the pace, rotate the compass, and try something new. 🙌🏻 I truly believe our bodies are just waiting for us to come “home” and there is no greater feeling that celebrating, fueling, moving, loving and healing every inch. 💁🏼‍♀️ Repping my home state of Minnesota today with the release of @hackwithdesign’s new intimates line and so proud of a brand that seeks out diversity! 👙 Tell me: what is ONE thing you love about yourself? Let’s start a self-compliment train and encourage one another in the comments below! 👇🏼

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– Ez a férfi magához öleli az összes hurkámat, gödröcskémet, kilómat és bőrhibámat immár tíz éve, és emlékeztet rá, hogy gyönyörű vagyok – címezte a rosszindulatú embereknek Jenna.

– Igen, husis vagyok, de így csak még több van belőlem, amit szerethet. Olyan férfit választottam, aki tudja ezt kezelni – szögezte le a nő, akinek szavait néhány óra alatt negyvenezren lájkolták, s több mint kétezer hozzászólással méltatták, szinte kivétel nélkül elismerve bátorságát és szépségét.     

THE STORY OF US: We were driving home last night when midnight struck and we kissed for our 9th year of ringing in a new year together. In fact, we almost forgot that it was our anniversary (hilarious, I know!) 🤦🏼‍♀️ We actually started dating on a snowy, frigid New Years years ago after I road tripped six hours with my best friend to surprise “my friend” Drew and ring in the new year with him. That night we enjoyed (a lot of) champagne and he finally asked me to be his girlfriend! ** Insert: butterflies! 🥂 Truth be told, @kickingitwithkutch didn’t quite remember that conversation the next day... Insert: hanging up the phone on him, but I held him to the deal and we’ve been together ever since. It’s wild that we get to grow old, do life, work side by side, and wake up next to each other every single day. 👫 Happy dating anniversary, babe! Here’s to more champagne nights and lots of years trying to live up to the promises we’ve made to each other! 👋🏻 What’s a funny relationship story of yours? Tell me below! #reallife

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