
Brutálisan megverték egy taxiban a Big Brother győztesét - fotók


Létrehozva: 2018.01.03.

<p>Csak barátnőjén akart segíteni - de végül kékre-zöldre verték.</p>

Insta-oldalán osztotta meg történetét a Big Brother brit kiadásának 2010-es győztese, Josie Gibson, miután egy taxi hátsó ülésén brutális pofonokat kapott egy barátnője ismerősétől. “Semmi sem dühít fel jobban, mintha egy férfi úgy gondolja, elfogadható és vicces rátámadni egy nőre. Szerencsére nekem adatott ez a felület, ahol figyelmeztethetem a nőket a hozzá hasonló férfiakról” - írta ki 26 ezer követőjének a valóságshow-nyertes.

Josie - mint írja - egy barátnőjének akart segíteni, akit brutális, bokszoló barátja agyba-főbe vert egy taxi hátsó ülésén. Amikor a férfi rázúdította a dühét - és pofonjait - Gibsonra, barátnője, Demi már eszméletlenül hevert a jármű hátsó ülésén.

A sztár dokumentálta sérüléseit, azt azonban nem tudni, lett-e feljelentés az ügyből - írja a Daily Star.

Nothing makes me more angry and disturbed than a ‘man’ that thinks it’s acceptable and funny to attack women. I’m so lucky to have the platform to warn other women about men like this as I’ve now heard that we are not the only women he has done this to. Tommy Jenkins a boxer (apparently) and an absolute disgrace to the boxing community decided that he would continue to punch my friend Demi in the face several times when we told him to get out of our taxi for trying to sexually assault her in the back. Just because we were kind enough to give you a lift doesn’t mean to can try and do the things you were doing to her! I tried but couldn’t stop him as he was in the back. Then he went for my other friend next to me from the back because we were screaming for him to get out. He then punched me, but my poor friend Demi was unconscious in the back. Yes all that boxing training has come in really handy for Tommy... managed to knock a woman out... what a man.... The only thing I could do was hit him with my wedge to get him off of us. We finally got him out of our taxi and were so relieved it was the end. But oh no this disgrace of a man decided to open up the back of the taxi from the boot and continue to punch my friend Demi where non of us to could get in the way. I feel so bad for my friend and all she did was stop him and his vulgar sexual advances. She did nothing wrong and he would not stop punching her. I would be absolutely mortified if this was any son of mine. I’m so lucky to have the platform to put this vile excuse of a man out there so any woman in their right mind wouldn’t go near this pig. From what I’ve been hearing we are not the only women he’s done this too. How he can call himself a boxer makes me sick. He’s a disgrace to the boxing community. Please share to all women across the country he’s a woman beater and a sexual predator and unlike the others we’re not afraid to come forward. If you have also been attacked by this creature can you come forwards. Don’t be scared he’s a bully I know but he can’t keep getting away with it.

Josie Gibson (@josiegibson85) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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